Publications Sammlung Zander
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26 Artists. Works from the Zander Collection
Susanne Zander (Ed.), Cologne 2023
Texts by Susanne Pfeffer, Moritz Scheper
€ 38,00
Texts by Susanne Pfeffer, Moritz Scheper
€ 38,00
Josef Wittlich
In Cooperation with the Kunstmuseum Kanton Thurgau, Kartause Ittingen.
Texts by Markus Landert, Dieter Honisch, Dr. Volker Dallmeier, 1996
€ 24,80
Texts by Markus Landert, Dieter Honisch, Dr. Volker Dallmeier, 1996
€ 24,80
Die Maler des heiligen Herzens (The Painters of the Holy Heart)
Text by Eva Karcher, 1996
€ 49,90 (out of print)
€ 49,90 (out of print)
Revolution und Krieg (Revolution and War)
Text by Eva Karcher, 1997
€ 10
€ 10
Tattoo: Rosie Camanga, Don Ed Hardy, Sailor Jerry Collins
Text by Eva Karcher, 1997
€ 14,80 (out of print)
€ 14,80 (out of print)
Artisten - Circus - Clowns
Text by Ernst Günther, 1997
€ 15 (out of print)
€ 15 (out of print)
Die Clowns des Camille Bombois (The Clowns of Camille Bombois)
Texts by Ernst Günther, Charlotte Zander, 1997
€ 24,80 (out of print)
€ 24,80 (out of print)
Emerik Feješ
Texts by Mica Basičević, Vladimir Crnković, Charlotte Zander, 1997
€ 29
€ 29
Joseph Steib
Text by Claudia Dichter, 1997
€ 2
€ 2
Matija Skurjeni
Texts by Vladimir Crnković, Charlotte Zander 1998
€ 29
€ 29
Camille Bombois
Texts by Vladimir Crnković, Eva Karcher, Dorothee Messmer, Hans F. Secker, 1999
€ 29 (out of print)
€ 29 (out of print)
Erste Begegnung mit der Russischen Naive (First Encounter with the Russian Naive Art)
Texts by Ksenija Bogemskaya, Alexey Turchin, Cynthia Thumm, 1999
€ 13,90 (out of print)
€ 13,90 (out of print)
Outsider Art - Collection Charlotte Zander
Text by Claudia Dichter, Charlotte Zander, 1999
€ 49 (out of print)
€ 49 (out of print)
André Bauchant
Text by Jürgen Kisters, 2000
€ 35
€ 35
Ilija Bosilj - Zeichen und Symbole (Signs and Symbols)
Text by Vladimir Crnković
€ 15
€ 15
Wenn Geister malen lassen. Botschaften aus dem Zwischenreich - Mediale Kunst aus der Sammlung Zander (When Ghost paint. Messages from the Intermediary - Mediumstic Art of the Collection Zander
Text by Cynthia Thumm, 2004
€ 8
€ 8
Die Schule von Hlebine (The Hlebine School)
Texts by Vladimir Crnković, Cynthia Thumm, Charlotte Zander, 2005
€ 10
€ 10
Sava Sekulić
ed. Günter Bose, Charlotte Zander, Berlin 1993; Texts by Günter Bose, Sava Sekulić, Uros Tomić, Vladimir Crnkoviċ
€ 19,90
€ 19,90
Hommage à Matija Skurjeni
Edition „Charlotte – Galerie für Naive Kunst und Art Brut, Munich, 1987; bibliophile monograph, limited edition of 55, contains 3 original screen prints by the artist.
Texts by Charlotte Zander, Vladimir Crnković
€ 99
Texts by Charlotte Zander, Vladimir Crnković
€ 99
Hommage à Emerik Feješ
Hommage à Emerik Feješ, Edition Charlotte – Galerie für Naive Kunst und Art Brut, Munich, 1987; bibliophile monograph, limited edition of 55, contains 3 original screen prints by the artist.
Texts by Charlotte Zander, Vladimir Crnković
€ 99
Texts by Charlotte Zander, Vladimir Crnković
€ 99